Monday, February 10, 2014

Announcing the Blog

Welcome to the first post of my blog. My name is Mike, if you haven't noticed by the blog title. I have always wanted to be a game developer. When I found out about Unity3D, I just had to try it. Over the course of a year, I have spent about 75% of my weekends learning, but not publishing anything. I decided that had to change, and I published one game, Milk and Cookies, on Kongregate for the sole purpose of showing myself that it's possible, and to see if it's something I still want to do. Obviously developing games is something I still want to do, or else this blog would be about chocolate or something.

I started this blog to keep and share a record of my indie game development journey. I will be sharing the progress on my projects, along with any tips or tricks I learn along the way. I am currently working on 2 main projects, and a possible third. The biggest project, an MMO, is going to be free to play, and will have pixel art. Development is not very far into this, as there is a learning curve to the server-side software I'm using. My other main project was inspired by Flappy Bird, and will be called Go Batty. This one will be available on Google Play hopefully by the end of the week. My wife +W.D. Wheeler is currently the only one helping me in these projects. She is taking care of the artwork, and I'm doing pretty much everything else.

I have found it useful for me to take little breaks from developing a massive project like the MMO to keep things fresh. If development on a single project becomes the daily norm, it no longer seems fun to me. I like to mix things up a bit by working on a smaller project that a good deal of the programming and design work can be done in a few hours to a few days. I'm just waiting on the art for Go Batty.

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